Hi list,

I searched the mailinglist-archives and the wiki but could not find a 
solution to my problem:

I send AJAX requests to an oracle server, which in turn should send 
appropriate XML. E. g. I'm querying for streets starting with the string 
'sch'. The server answers with an ISO-8859-1 encoded XML, and the 
umlauts in the response (e. g.'schönweg, schloßalle' etc) are correctly 
represented within my UI.

But when typing in an umlaut, not the umlaut gets sended to my 
PHP-script, which talks with Oracle, but a representation of the umlaut 
(perhaps because of: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ?) gets sended. 
'ö' gets transformed to 'ö%', etc. With this string representation a 
query like this:

SELECT streetname FROM street WHERE streetname LIKE 'schö%'

does return no rows... yet there are rows starting with 'schö'...

I could possibly transform the given value again, after transmission to 
my script, but I do not know how.

I tried to turn off the  "processData" attribute using $.ajaxSetup(), 
but then everything crashed.

Maybe someone can point me the right direction, any help is highly 

Thanks in advance,

-- Marc

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