Hi, Marc,

recently I had a similar problem with Tomcat+OracleDBMS with euro symbol,
so I found that Tomcat use an internal codification (normally utf-8, but 
you can
change that) and in Oracle you have the same (another problem with 

My "hard" solution was:

<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 
charset=ISO-8859-1" /></head>
    <input type="text" name="myinput" />
    <input type="hidden" name="myeurosymbol" value="&euro;" />

When the form is submit, the HTML character &euro; is converter 
automatically in the symbol €,
then in the server, you have the symbol in the same codification as 
"myinput" data, so, you can make
a string replace and set again the HTML representation:
//In JAVA servlet
String MyText1 = req.getParameter("myinput");
MyText2 = MyText1.replaceAll(myeurosymbol, "&euro;"));
// Save in the database

Now you can save the data in OracleDB without codification problems :-)
In PHP is similar, you can use "str_replace" function :-D

Marc Jansen escribió:
> Hi list,
> I searched the mailinglist-archives and the wiki but could not find a 
> solution to my problem:
> I send AJAX requests to an oracle server, which in turn should send 
> appropriate XML. E. g. I'm querying for streets starting with the string 
> 'sch'. The server answers with an ISO-8859-1 encoded XML, and the 
> umlauts in the response (e. g.'schönweg, schloßalle' etc) are correctly 
> represented within my UI.
> But when typing in an umlaut, not the umlaut gets sended to my 
> PHP-script, which talks with Oracle, but a representation of the umlaut 
> (perhaps because of: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ?) gets sended. 
> 'ö' gets transformed to 'ö%', etc. With this string representation a 
> query like this:
> SELECT streetname FROM street WHERE streetname LIKE 'schö%'
> does return no rows... yet there are rows starting with 'schö'...
> I could possibly transform the given value again, after transmission to 
> my script, but I do not know how.
> I tried to turn off the  "processData" attribute using $.ajaxSetup(), 
> but then everything crashed.
> Maybe someone can point me the right direction, any help is highly 
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- Marc
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Best Regards,
 José Francisco Rives Lirola <sevir1ATgmail.com>

 SeViR CW · Computer Design
 Murcia - Spain

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