I would think that you could do this using php and gd...

here's one way to do it... http://icant.co.uk/articles/phpthumbnails/

a quick search for "php create thumbnails" should help you find
other/better resources for creating images on the fly with php.

Thanx alot :D but that`s not what i need.

that would require intimate knowledge of png format internals... I've
never seen that kind of code in Javascript! php or perl would be a
much saner direction!

you missed something i think.

take another close look at this image:
in the image i describe that the  image is first selected. than when THAT
field doesn`t change (and is filled in ofcause) for a few seconds the upload
will automatically start!! than those ajax get or posts things.. depends on
how the form works:

so when running that GET or POST the thumbnail is generated through PHP (not
javascript!! javascript is just gonna send the command to create it) that
GET or POST than returns the url to the thumbnail and that should than
appear like in the screenshot.

the thumbnailing part itself is probably the least of my worries. the main
thing i can`t get working right now is the automatic uploading.
if you still don`t get how this works open up gmail and attatch a file to a
post. you will see that it`s auto uploading after a few seconds. that`s what
i want.

anything more that needs to be cleared up?
thanx for the replys so far.


2007/3/23, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

that would require intimate knowledge of png format internals... I've
never seen that kind of code in Javascript! php or perl would be a
much saner direction!

On 3/23/07, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yea that`s the idea.. nut how to make it in ajax?
> 2007/3/22, Benjamin Sterling
> >
> > I would assume you would put a set timeout function on it somewhere
> then have the the form submit and process thru ajax, and when the
> from the server is complete, you will append the new thumbnail image to
> page.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Benjamin Sterling
> > http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> > http://www.KenzoHosting.com
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