I've been real interested in Crabgrass, Elgg, and BuddyPress. A challenge,
as noted by others here on this list and elsewhere, will be seeing if such
software can be used to build federated services. Possibly fun project for
those more savvy than me: implement two copies of Crabgrass (or Elgg, or
BuddyPress) in two separate directories and hack the installations so that
they can communicate with each other (e.g., allow a user of Service X to
add a user of Service Y as a friend). Extra credit: implement each of
Crabgrass, Elgg, and BuddyPress, and hack the installations so that they
can all communicate with each other. Who knows, maybe this software is not
well suited for what we really want (federated services); I'd like to know.

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:19:40 -0700, RhinoKitty <rhinoki...@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> The idea in another thread was mentioned about a non surveillance based
> social networking web application, presumably that could be federated
> across different instances.
> The folks at Riseup.net are working toward a similar goal and might be
> more philosophically aligned with autonomo.us than Google:
> http://riseuplabs.org/crabgrass/ (devlopment information)
> https://we.riseup.net/ (an instance running)
> --ian--
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