On Tue, 2009-08-11 at 12:35 -0500, Hunger wrote:
> I've been real interested in Crabgrass, Elgg, and BuddyPress. A challenge,
> as noted by others here on this list and elsewhere, will be seeing if such
> software can be used to build federated services. Possibly fun project for
> those more savvy than me: implement two copies of Crabgrass (or Elgg, or
> BuddyPress) in two separate directories and hack the installations so that
> they can communicate with each other (e.g., allow a user of Service X to
> add a user of Service Y as a friend). Extra credit: implement each of
> Crabgrass, Elgg, and BuddyPress, and hack the installations so that they
> can all communicate with each other. Who knows, maybe this software is not
> well suited for what we really want (federated services); I'd like to know.

I think it would be valuable to try to define a set of primitive
operations that a social networking protocol could be based on, and a
clear way of extending the protocol (so activist-oriented sites like
Crabgrass could offer crabgrass<->crabgrass features that Elgg wouldn't
have to implement) before starting to hack on stuff. It would be nice to
do this the right way before cruft becomes the standard.

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