Can we do it as unconference workshop and/or are you leading this?

Apologies. 20 questions.

Also, who else will be at FOSDEM this next weekend in brussels. Evan
and I are doing StatusCheck drink meetup and then a dinner afterwards
to talk about these things:

I'll be in berlin before that too if there is a chance to meetup and
discuss our project more and then paris and london quickly afterwards.
Ping me.


On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Matt Lee <> wrote:
> On 02/02/2010 12:08 AM, Jon Phillips wrote:
>> Cool, what will this hacking entail? Is it unconference or that type
>> of hacking that nerds do where we make a list of things to do and sit
>> at a table as a way to secretly have social lives?
>> Cheers! Probably better to do the latter half of the day if possible,
>> but I think we could easily fill a whole day with this topic.
> More of a workshop type thing...
> I'll send some info over tomorrow.

Jon Phillips
internet: @rejon + skype: kidproto
+1.415.830.3884 (sf/global)
+86.134.3957.2035 (china)
Sent from San Francisco, CA, United States
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