On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:15:32, David Malouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The tool itself is "great" (arguably), but it doesn't necessarily
> fit the entire eco-system.

Dave, this is exactly the  sort of thing I worry about.

be sure to include those you are designing for, and turn the design
> process into "designing with".

Precisely.  And I understand this is difficult.  It requires an enormous
amount of patience on both sides, and especially, perhaps, on the part of
the Bearer of Gifts [BoG].  Also, the willingness on the part of BoG to
eliminate the one thing she believed was the coolest aspect of her Gift
because the Giftee had no use for it.  A lot of the time, a big part of
BoG's ego is wrapped up in her design, because she came up with some really
cool ideas that were incorporated in the design.  And when these begin to be
eliminated, her sense of ownership begins to ebb, and along with it, her
desire to pursue the project.  This is when she realizes that she was more
interested in Designing And Building Cool Things than in Trying to Address
Somebody's Problem.  When the Cool Thing is not used the way she hoped it
would, she feels a sense of betrayal.

This sort of issue comes up not only in design, but in any kind of
collaboration across cultures, such as when musicians from different
cultural paradigms collaborate.  Most the time -- in my experience and
opinion -- their collaborative efforts never quite rise above a level of
mediocre mish-mash. There is little that is of lasting value.  <I don't
intend to start a flame war with this last extension of my thesis, BTW!>

At Motorola Enterprise Mobility we have made "designing with" the
> core premise behind our design process using field research and field
> validation processes of design research at many iterative steps in the
> total design process so that we engage those we are designing for, so
> instead we are designing with.

That's great. Could you share some stories, some examples, Dave.  It's good
to hear war stories, about things that have worked and things that haven't.

Thanks and regards,

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