Interesting topic =]

I made the decision about a year ago, actually.

I've always been a cartoonist and since 12 always wanted to do computer
animation (back when sprites were big, whoop!).  Then I took 3 semesters of
engineering calculus in college and swore off computers as a career choice
entirely.  Nevertheless, I took a retail job and worked my way into tech
support, then network engineering, then management.  The whole time, through
10 years after college, I was constantly writing programs and "designing
things" for people.  I never thought I was that good, but people thought I
had a knack for it.  I organize stuff in my head, in pictures, so never had
much of a problem figuring out how to "arrange things".  I would never say
I'm always right, but I like getting other people involved in the process,
so my projects tend to turn out almost "community-driven".  It takes a
village, I guess.

I came late to the web, using it only for tech reference, but otherwise I
dismissed it as a glorified phone book (which it was, until about 1998).
Then I built a network for a startup company, and ended up redesigning &
building their ecommerce web site (it was one of the first WYSIWYG greeting
card web sites).  I enjoyed the work but did almost everything.  I get bored
quickly if I only have one job, for some reason.

Along about a year ago I was designing my 100th or so project for my last
company, and it hit me.  Design (specifically, interface & interaction
design) is the only job I do that makes me mad when I'm not doing it.
Network engineering, tech support, coding, database design - I can let them
go if needed.  But fine-tuning or building an interface from scratch -
that's unnerving.  It gets under my skin and I can't sleep, eat or talk to
anyone for days (can you tell I'm in the middle of such a project right

That's when I decided I wanted to be an interaction designer, full time.
Everything I do leads me further down that path, even though I'm now "doing
everything" except the back-end coding for my new company.  I love my job
for the first time in 5 years, not just because I do what I want, but
because I figured out what I want to be when I grow up. 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of pauric
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 3:36 PM
To: IXDA list
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] When/Where/How did you decide to be a designer?

I think many of us took the long winding path actually.  I was
wondering if we could hear some stories about those pivotal moments in
our careers where we changed from being 'X' in to Interaction

regards -pauric

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