Will Evans asked:
> How does js implementation effect text-2-speech? Is  
> this really a 508 issue or are we talking about accessibility for  
> BHOF's that use emacs and opera on Linux and stubbornly "choose" to  
> turn off javascript?

Here's my take on this, and I'm assuming we're talking about interactions on 
the Web:

It's an excellent question for which there's no easy answer, Will.  If you use 
"event handlers" rather than HTML/XHTML's semantic markup for access to content 
(text, for example), you'll probably be denying that content to screen readers 
and others.  Javascript does not *necessarily* get in the way, but the way it's 
used makes all the difference.  It was not designed to be accessible by 
default.  It was designed for maximum versatility, and it's a great tool in 
many ways.  But we should always have a very good reason to use it, and we 
should test each implementation for accessibility before unleashing it on the 
world.  There are tried-and-true methods of implementing js with accessibility 
in mind, but I don't do much javascript so I don't know the inner workings to 
tell you what makes the difference.  I know that if you block scripts without 
blocking essential content, you've accomplished something significant to a lot 
of people.  More people than you know.

Also, why "stubbornly choose"?  If I stubbornly choose to ride the bus to work 
instead of driving my car, I have that right.  It means I can't swing by the 
store on the way home, so I'm denying myself that little piece of functionality 
and I'm the only one who sacrifices in so doing.  If you're a web designer, I'm 
letting you come into my house, my computer.  Be respectful.  And for heaven's 
sake, wipe your feet!


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