Hi Behzad:

It sounds like you have plenty of good advice already, but let me add
my two bits. For website clients whom I was pretty sure wouldn't
understand Nielsen's heuristics, I created this 4-item list (with
explanatory bullets):

 I know where I am.

    * The system provides clear answers to %u201Cwhere am I?%u201D
and %u201Cwhere does this go?%u201D
    * People know what section they%u2019re in.
    * Each page is clearly branded.

I know what I%u2019m doing.

    * The system supports the person%u2019s work flow.
    * Help is right on the page or easily found.
    * The words on the page are familiar.
    * General information appears early, details later.

I am in control.

    * It%u2019s easy for people to change their minds. Mistakes are
easy to fix.
    * The system doesn%u2019t make people do the things it can do
    * The system doesn%u2019t ask for personal information without
clear justification.
    * People with eyesight and movement problems can use the system

I%u2019m impressed.

    * The system is attractive, interesting, and professionally
    * The system uses white space well. Text isn%u2019t jammed into
every square inch.
    * Interactive tools help people understand and manipulate
information easily, but without unnecessary animation and imagery.

The bullets can be changed to match the client's own website--for
example, if the client has a job site, you'd say "the system
doesn't require a login before the user searches for jobs" instead
of "The system doesn%u2019t ask for personal information without
clear justification."

I've used the list to show amateurs how to do heuristic evaluations
and it worked pretty well. For more on doing evaluations, see 

I hope this helps.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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