Is this all (both threads) really just a question of "this point in
Would I hire an Industrial Designer who doesn't have a degree in ID?

Isn't the expectation if hiring a junior graphic designer that they
have a degree in visual design?

I have always found it interesting that in the UX world we tend to
focus on the masters level with very little done at the Bachelor's
level. My question to SVA & CMU & KU is why are there no bachelor of
IxD programs next to you MA programs?

I totally respect the masters I've met who have no formal education.
But I don't see that path as strategicly viable for the total
advancement of the discipline or the profession. 

I do think that one can achieve greatness in practice without going
to school. What education teaches you though which I believe no one
spoke about is how to think & how to teach. education lastly gives
you wings to inderstand the impractical. Learning failure as part if
a process & expressions just for you.

Imagine IxD practice 50 years from now. Will anyone practicing IxD
not have at least a bachelors in IxD?

- dave 

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Posted from (via iPhone)

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