I'd definitely like to capture the presentation, whether live with
something like ustream, qik or etc, or post-event with video or
narrated slides. Given the interest, I'll post more info closer to
the event - I think there might be an Adobe Connect setup going on

As for "why Fireworks?", that seems to be a common question and
I'm glad I asked the list in advance, since I'll have a few non-FW
friends coming and preparing some info about that will do them good

One thing I've realized is the reason for the disconnect between FW
and a lot of designers, at least those that found out about it
recently rather than way back when it was a Macromedia product: FW is
not really a prototyping tool, that's just Adobe's (fairly recent)
marketing to set it aside from the rest of their product line up.
Which explains why it comes across as so hard to pick up if you're
used to a dedicated tool like omnigraffle or balsamiq - those tools
are made to 1) be really easy to pick up so you can start designing
right away and 2) focused on very rough layouts as visual
deliverables, they're not Photoshop competitors.

What *is* FW good for then? I actually like it more for making the
final visual polish and design, since I hate Photoshop and
Illustrator so much. Both of those tools were made primarily for
non-web design purposes and it shows in their overall complexity. PS
will always be for photographers first, designers second, and maybe
video effects artists third, and Illy is mainly for artists and
drawing. Yes you *can* use it for web stuff, it's just not made
solely for that, plus jumping between the two apps is a pain, whereas
FW is completely focused on making web layouts and you only need one
app for making both vector and raster art.

So my choice of using FW for prototyping is most definitely not a
statement about it being a great prototyping tool overall, just that
it works great for me personally because I can go all the way from
wireframes to final design within the same app. That's going to be
one of the main things I was going to demo - recycling art assets
from the wireframes to the final visual mockups.

- -
Al Abut
- -
interaction designer, crimefighter

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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