This brings up one of those good, general practices: Never leave yourself in a position where you rely on your company's server for access to work you've done. Companies often turn off your access *before* they inform you you're no longer wanted. At least if you've copied your work to your own drive on a daily basis, you won't find yourself with no evidence whatsoever. At worst you can point to it, print it out, sanitize it...somehow make it fit for broader consumption. But if you don't have the files, you're entirely at their mercy...and you already know they don't have any.


Katie Albers
310 356 7550

On Jul 20, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Patrick wrote:

We're you a contractor in the US?

Did you sign away the copyright?

On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:06 AM, Tara Goskie wrote:

I have been working for a company creating online software/ application
for the past years. Recently I got laid off and they disabled my
connection to the company's server right away. Since I was a remote
employee, I wasn't able to get the design files I'd done for the
company. Therefore, I emailed them to ask for a copy for the purpose
of creating personal portfolio. They transferred my question among
different managers and ended up ignoring my request.

I'm really frustrated because I'd been working for this company
since I graduated and now I'm losing all the design works I've
done, not knowing what I could include in my portfolio in order to
move on to the next job. Since I was paid to create the designs, I'm
afraid I may not have the rights to request the files. Is there any
third person I could contact for assistance? What would be the
appropriate way to handle the issue?
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