With so much going on here for the iPad we must look at the aspect of
what went into deciding making a product like this? What I meant was
that, did we address in our discussions the goals this product was
supposed to have met? Of course, we will not know what goals Steve
had in his mind when he decided to make a product like this.

If this product was meant to have fixed goals and some dynamic then
have they been met? Reading through the discussion, I found that this
product has miserably failed and then again, has it? As with some of
the recently launched new Apple products, they did receive a lot of
flack for being what they are when they were launched. Probably
because of the over all brand image that Apple has created, we tend
to expect a lot more than what the product probably has to offer.
Then again, a big fight against media hype and as this discussion has
gone, looks like the product has failed. 

But if we were to understand that no product, which has new or
experimental technology or interactions embedded, has really hit the
bulls eye at first go. Is this because we are averse to change? Like
some of Apple's products, we have seen or had, this product will
take time to get used to. It will take time for us to understand its
goals. It is in this aspect, I feel that Apple has failed to hit the
nail on the head. To meet the brand expectations against a new

As we all know that there are compromises to be made when anything
new is being launched. This is because the business aspect of it does
not provide us the liberty to keep on refining the product till its
perfect. If this was the case, no new technology or product would get
released in the market. 

To me, personally, I think I will wait till Apple releases future
versions for us to really start catching up with this product. And I
feel that Apple, will make drastic changes in the second release as
it gets this product to work for them. 

Today, iPhone is a second me.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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