Hi Stéphanie,

(this is best asked on the GRASS user list).

Last Saturday I have added in d.vect: support for z height (geometry)
colors, so no more need to add an attribute table and such:

You can easily colorize 3D points/lines/polygons:
 d.mon x0
 d.vect -z lidar1map3d zcol=gyr
(the r.colors color tables apply; use the GUI instead of CMD line of course).

The update is in GRASS-SVN.
(second try, small screenshot was rejected by this list)


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Stéphanie Faroux
> Hello,
> I'd like to know if it's possible to use color palettes with vector data.
> I have point vector data (for example, altitude), and i'd like to apply a
> palette automatically, on the symbols representing the value points (like
> circles).
> I saw i can define a new column GRASSRBG in the dbf table associated to my
> vector layer. But it's not very easy, because i have 10000 points in my
> area. I could set values of the palette with rules on the z column, but it
> would be nicer if existing palettes could be chosen.
> Thank you
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