Tim Schaub wrote:

I'm interested making simpler the process of collecting & maintaining contributor agreements. Specifically in the case where a project wishes to have contributors transfer copyright to OSGeo.

I recently had the pleasure of "signing" an agreement (copyright assignment) digitally. I know the rules for what is acceptable probably vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Does anybody know where a digital signature suffices?

Currently, I think the process is that the PSC is responsible for collecting agreements from contributors. The PSC then sends these agreements to the OSGeo Secretary. The OSGeo Secretary maintains the agreements. Not sure how this is working out.

I wonder if something simpler would be possible.

Sample copyright assignment form:

And the records:

Anybody know if this could be made legitimate? Would OSGeo be amenable to having things work this way? Is this a pipe dream?


I have been led to believe in the past that we need signed agreements
to actually reassign copyright, at least under US law.  We have operated
under the assumption that scanned signed documents are fine, and my
suggestion is that these be kept in the OSGeo subversion repository for
easy review, backup, etc.

This process does not seem to onerous to me, though it is of course
substantially harder than just clicking through on a web form.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmer...@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
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