In my opinion (but of course Karsten needs to answer that himself) he needs wms as I think he mentioned before. I may be wrong assuming that mapproxy caches every unique wms request as a unique image.

I totally agree that he shouldn't preseed everything in advance, especially when budgets are to low to consider serious diskspace.

Oliver Tonnhofer wrote:
On 20.05.2010, at 22:10, miblon wrote:

If mapserver is to slow, almost everything else is to slow... I also noticed 
your crosspost on the mapproxy list. mapproxy will even cache to more then the 
60TB youve estimated, because it will cache every wms request instead of 
square, stitched tiles.

I don't understand that. MapProxy does cache square tiles and if 60TB are a 
valid estimate for TileCache and GeoWebCache, than this should also apply to 

But, you don't want to cache everything in advance, that would be a waste of 
resources. Caching the lower resolutions, the common parts where more users 
will access the same images would take of the load of the WMS server.

Karsten mentioned OpenLayers, so i guess tiled services like TMS are an option. 
MapProxy, TileCache and GeoWebCache should all be able to handle that without 
caching in advance. MapProxy comes with full HTTP cache control, you can limit 
the resolution till images should be cached (other requests will be passed to 
the WMS) and if some clients require full WMS you can use MapProxy's WMS and 
benefit from the cached tiles. All points that are quite useful in this 


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