I’m not sure who the “we” you are referring to here is, but it certainly does 
not include me.

I am absolutely, 100%, interested in having more women become engaged in FOSS4G.

Please don’t make such sweeping generalizations.

We are a broad community, a global community, but we are not truly reflective 
of the whole world. We are largely white men from wealthy countries.

I *want* people engaged and passionate about FOSS4G. And that means making sure 
have a community where *everyone* feels welcome.  If our FOSS4G community does 
not reflect the entire world, then we are failing to engage all people, or 
worse, chasing some of them away.

A CoC is not a sign that we are dying, a CoC is a sign that we acknowledge that 
we are insufficiently inclusive, and that we as a community will not stand for 
that. It’s a sign that says “We do not want behaviors that drive people away, 
behaviors that make our community *smaller*. We are a welcoming community and 
we want *you* to be part of it.”Is a CoC sufficient to create that community? 
Absolutely not, but it’s a step forwards. A flag in the ground — a flag that 
says, “We welcome you!”

If we’re afraid of that, then we truly are a dying community, and one that 
deserves to meet its quiet, irrelevant end.


> We are not interested in "more women to become engaged in FOSS4G". We are 
> interested in people engaged and passionate about FOSS4G. We don't care about 
> the sex, the colour, the religious or the operating system. Why are we 
> interested specifically in more women?
> There is a large and growing business behind FOSS4G, which is an huge 
> accomplishment of FOSS4G, that we should care and maintain. It is ok to have 
> some grey people with a strange piece of cloth knotted at the throat 
> attending FOSS4G and moving around.

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