Hi Sanghee,

Thank you for taking this matter to the discuss mailinglist. My first
reaction when clicking the links from your post was, no problem, this is
well accepted from my european perspective and I do not directly see any
offense in them nor see any offense in other cultures. However, after
looking at them in context (in the slideshare presentation) this is my

1. I don't understand the slides with the Dali painting. What do you want
to say with them? In my opinion they can be removed without downgrading the

2. In my opinion; the slide with the header "Culture" showing the row of
female models will bring a better message with another picture. Currently I
interpret this slide as: "Come to Korea for the beautiful women" and I
believe that is not the message you want to send under the header "Culture".

3. There are a few slides with a lot of prominently displayed alcoholic
drinks, in one slide, it even looks like a "drinking game". There are a lot
of cultures that are offended by that too. Simply removing them, again,
would not make your presentation worse, it would make it stronger.

Final thought:

I agree with the request for removal/replacement but I think you should
also do something about the alcoholic drinks given this presentation holds
a prominent position on the main page for the foss4g event. This would make
your presentation stronger, because apart from this minor thing, it is an
interesting slideshow that has me interested in going to Seoul!

So thank you for that!

With respect, kind regards.

2015-06-24 12:22 GMT+02:00 Sanghee Shin <shs...@gaia3d.com>:

> Dear All,
> It’s now time to apply OSGeo CoC(Code of Conduct)[0] in real case.
> I was asked to remove a few slides from my presentation "7 Reasons why you
> should come to FOSS4G 2015 Seoul”[1], which is at the main page of FOSS4G
> Seoul, as being possibly offensive to women. Specifically to say, slide #6
> (nude female in painting) and slide #20 (row of female models) are those
> controversial ones.
> I refused this asking immediately because I don’t believe my presentation
> breach the OSGeo CoC and I don’t agree with that view.
> However since this is not the first time asking me to remove those slides
> from my presentation and OSGeo now have CoC, I think we’d better discuss
> this issue more openly to reach conclusions.
> I might be wrong and I’d like to hear other people’s opinion on this from
> all around the world. Also I expect Conference Committee’s input as well,
> because this is the matter of OSGeo conference.
> I’m open to remove/amend/keep those slides after hearing other people’s
> opinions on this. Also I believe it’ll be a great chance for OSGeo to learn
> how to apply CoC in real cases.
> *Sidenote for defending myself:
> - Slide #6 is the part of Salvador Dali’s well known painting named
> “Lincoln in Dalivision”[2]
> - Slide #20 is the picture of famous girl group, Girls’
> Generation(SNSD)[3], which I believe as symbolic icon of wide spread of
> Korean culture(K-Culture) in/around Asia.
> All the best,
> Sanghee
> [0]http://www.osgeo.org/code_of_conduct
> [1]http://2015.foss4g.org
> [2]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_in_Dalivision
> [3]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girls%27_Generation
> ---
> Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul
> "Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
> http://2015.foss4g.org
> Twitter: @foss4g
> Facebook: FOSS4G2015
> email: foss4gch...@osgeo.org
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