Dear GeoForAll,

With congratulations and in honour of our freshly minted GeoAmbassador, Dr. 
Claus Rinner, the ultimate ‘cartographer’!

We might take a moment to recall the penultimate cartographer to Earth’s 
dynamic nature, Marie Tharp,
(a seven minute listen)

In celebration of the extraordinary geo-map talent and history Claus brings, 
our dear wish for that much more to GeoForAll!


From: Discuss [] On Behalf Of Suchith 
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2018 10:52 AM
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] GeoAmbassador – Dr. Claus Rinner

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the GeoForAll community, we are delighted to honour Dr. Claus 
Rinner as our GeoAmbassador. Dr. Claus Rinner is a Professor and currently 
serves as Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at 
Ryerson University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree (1993) in Mathématiques 
appliquées et sciences sociales from Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 
France, a Master’s degree (1996) in Applied Systems Science from the University 
of Osnabrück, Germany, and a PhD (1999) in Geography from the University of 
Bonn. After a brief stint as a software developer, he taught at the Institute 
for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster (2001-2003) and the Department 
of Geography and Programme in Planning at the University of Toronto 
(2003-2006), prior to joining Ryerson.

Within Geographic Information Science, Claus specializes in geographic 
visualization and multi-criteria decision analysis to support effective spatial 
decision-making. He develops map-centred, exploratory methods to evaluate 
phenomena such as public health and urban quality of life. Claus also works on 
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) concepts to support participatory 
planning, and investigates the decision support capabilities of GIS 
technologies such as location-based services and spatial data infrastructures.

Most recently, Claus developed a keen interested in the collaborative and 
educational uses of 3D-printed terrain and cityscapes. He is co-author of a 
2015 Springer monograph on Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic 
Information Science and published 30 peer-reviewed articles, which summarize 
externally funded research. His h-index is currently at 24, with six 
publications exceeding 100 citations each.

Claus teaches cartographic design and geovisualization, GIS, and spatial 
decision support. As the graduate program director of the Master of Spatial 
Analysis (MSA) from 2007 to 2015, he was also responsible for mentoring 
numerous graduate students through their practicum placements and major 
research papers. More details at

Claus’s contributions to open source go back to his student days. Please find 
below a summary of his excellent work and experiences that he kindly shared 
with us at

We are proud to honour Claus Rinner as our GeoAmbassador and we are extremely 
grateful for his contributions to expanding geoeducation opportunities for all.

Best wishes,

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