Dear colleagues,

I first came across GIS by serendipity. More than twenty years back (in 1994) , 
I was a student in Civil Engineering in India and by pure chance I came across 
a short article in a magazine in my college library on the amazing Geographic 
Information System that is used by town planners. That was the first time I 
heard about the wonderful technology called GIS! At that time there was no GIS 
in the college where I did my undergraduate degree. My dream that time was to 
get opportunity to do my final year undergraduate project using GIS. I still 
remember the struggles  I faced to just get access to learning GIS as very few 
universities had GIS that time in India. I spend nearly two years going around 
different universities and places knocking so many doors to just to get access 
to GIS .  Unfortunately in spite of all my best efforts I failed  that time....

I was disappointed but I carried on working with hope and faith. I did my final 
year undergraduate project in design of a hospital building! (structural 
engineering ). Still I kept looking for opportunities to get access to GIS. 
Years later (after I finished my undergraduate degree), I finally got 
opportunity to learn GIS through another project and my search for learning  
GIS lead me to so many new opportunities . As some wise people said, Fail 
stands for First Attempt In Learning. So when I think back, even though my  
efforts  to get access to GIS in my undergraduate years failed, I learned lot 
of things from those experiences. In fact, if I had not gone though those 
experiences , I might not have got the determination to do everything in my 
abilities to keep the doors of GIS education open to all so that no student 
anywhere should go through what I went through.

Some years ago one of the Nottingham University staff asked me a question when 
we were talking that I still remember “Is GIS special if everyone becomes GIS 
Professional? “ I was bit taken back by the question esp. as it came from an 
educator and I replied “There is nothing special about GIS if it is for few 
rich people only but if it the learning opportunities for GIS are made 
available for everyone it is truly special ... “.

When GeoForAll was started , I faced lot of ridicule and opposition from some 
folks but I also got lot and lot of amazing support and help from so many 
amazing colleagues at Nottingham and globally. Thanks to all our amazing 
colleagues, we have now truly made GIS education opportunities open to all. 
Please share our resources with all

I am requesting all colleagues to keep the doors of education opportunities  
open for all.  There should be no place for Nepotism in  education. For me, 
Openness is not just about open source , open standards or open data … It is 
about the Open mindsets  to help make education opportunities inclusive to 
students from  all economic and social backgrounds.

Best wishes,


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