If this is user error, I'd like to be the first to have someone show me where I've erred. At the SB will play for hours w/o a problem; other times (and almost exclusively when when playing Internet Radio) it will reboot and recommence playing. It's extremely annoying. My wife will not bother anymore using the SB; I put up with it and fumble for solutions like changing the router (was using Sonicwall SOHO2 router/firewall with Linksys WAP11; now using a TrendNet TEW-435BRM), changing the wireless channel, changing the WEP encryption, changing from SS as service to SS as application. etc. Indeed, changing to the Trendnet all-in-1 applicance resolved a problem I has in being able to have the SB download the genre list from Live365.
So short of my anticipated move from my current 13 story apartment to a house in the country next month, where we'll see if has to do with the microwaves, cordless phones, other WIFI networks in the same building (I currently count 2 plus my own that I can detect), I too am at a loss for how this problem can be resolved. Just to reiterate, it in my case it seems related to playing internet radio through the wireless SB; ripped CDs seems to never or virtually never have this problem.
Of course, should some enlightened soul be able to guide me in the right direction, I'll post the "success story" on these pages.
J. Kennedy


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