* Michael Peters shaped the electrons to say...

(my system LANG is en_US.UTF-8 - which is no good for a lot of mp3
players, they assume en_US because the mp3 tag itself doesn't have a
way to tell them otherwise)

Actually that is only partially correct.

ID3 v2.2: iso-8559-1 only (latin1)
ID3 v2.3: iso-8559-1 or UTF-16
ID3 v2.4: UTF-8 only

I recommend using v2.4 if possible, as there is no ambiguity. iTunes supports
it, as does MP3/Media Rage on the Mac. Easytag on *nix, and probably Tag &
Rename, but I havent tested it.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
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