Hi Richard --

Thanks for your response, and thanks for all the work you put into this.

Do you have more than one version of Java installed on your machine? One way to find out would be to run 'locate bin/java'. If you do, try changing the path of JAVA_HOME to the other version of Java.

I have two versions (j2re1.4.2_01 and j2re1.4.2_07) installed -- it seems not to matter which one is set in the JAVA_HOME path. Nor does it matter which one I call explicitly in the command line -- still no sound, and the display still disappears when I click on the power button in the on-screen remote. (To be more clear, the text in the window (where "now playing" and other information appears normally) is what disappears -- the image of the squeezebox and the image of the remote are both still on the screen. It's just that there's no text where I would normally see the system time when I turn off the power.)

Over the weekend I have made some native installers for Softsqueeze. I am uploaded them to sourceforge at the moment. Instead of using Java Web Start you could try the linux rpm that includes an embeded version of the Java.

I installed this rpm -- it installed with no error messages but I still see the same behavior. Though how can I be sure that I'm running this new installation with the embedded java?

Here's a little more information -- when I first run softsqueeze from the command line I see this in the terminal window:

Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

Then the image of the squeezebox and the remote appear. When I try to play something I see this in the terminal window:

0 [AudioDecoder-0] WARN javasound - AudioDecoder could not write buf to outputBuffer
86 [AudioMixer-0] WARN javasound - Java Sound Audio buffer underrun bufAvail=19456
Frames decoded
Frames decoded

Any clues there? (perhaps in the "could not write buf to outputbuffer" part?)

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