On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 01:06:17 +0100, Richard Elen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stefan Kuhnert wrote:
...I get this message:
The following modules failed to load: XML::Parser
To download and compile them, please run: /usr/local/slimserver/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl

I had some trouble with SS6.x under perl 5.6.1, namely apparently missing modules that I couldn't build because the build failed due to missing some other thing... ; so just out of interest and to avoid dependency hell, I tried Michael's method on an RH7.2 system, and perl 5.8.6 certainly came up. I now have a running slimserver 6.x, but I get the same error message as Stefan. I wonder if some perl aspect is hard-coded somewhere and is getting lost... however apart from that message it is behaving, fingers crossed...

The missing XML::Parser seems to be a common problem (though not for me :-/). I got quite a few mails about it. So I dig through the slimserver code and found the following comment:

# Force XML::Simple to use XML::Parser for speed. This is done
# here so other packages don't have to worry about it. If we
# don't have XML::Parser installed, we fall back to PurePerl.

and at another place:

#print "Compress::Zlib and XML::Parser are optional modules and are not required to run SlimServer.\n\n";

Interestingly this message has been commented out: it would have been printed right after the complaint about the missing module and therefore would have helped reduce confusion.

Could Dan/Dean/Vigur or whoever noted this please confirm XML::Parser is still optional?

Well, in fact I still get the error message on machine startup that I got with 5.4.x, namely:
nice: invalid priority '--user'
so I have to start it from the command line, and I would /love/ someone to make any useful suggestions about what might be causing this, but apart from that it's behaving :)

How do you start the script? Do you use a wrapper script which tries to improve performance by renicing it?



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