On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:26:56 +0200, Tore Johnsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I donīt mean that I need a special Swedish manual but the language is a
problem to understand full.

But maybe your neighbour would like the full documentation in swedish ;-).

For ex I search for how to add some more stations and how I do that and what plugin I should use.
Another thing I wrote about (and got no answer) - how to make some kind of list for only the stations I want to listen to. As it is now I have to go to Shoutcast - jazz - inside jazz, instead of just pointing at Inside jazz in a list.

I have answered to that question before - but maybe not to your request. There are several ways to have an easier life:

- save your favourite stream as a playlist (using the web interface or the "Save playlist" plugin)
- use Shoutcast's "Recently played" menu which contains the last few streams you had selected

(- wait for 6.1 which will contain a "favourite" plugin: you'll have access to your 10 favourite streams with a single push of a button (0-9))

Does this help?



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