On 23/4/05 at 10:55 pm -0700, Apteryx wrote
I used Edirol (part of Roland group) active monitors that have the
additional advantage of digital input as well as excellent sound for
the price...
http://www.edirol.com/products/info/ma10dbk.html This is the set I use
but they have larger and smaller units as well. Obviously not as high
end as some monitors but don't have the price tag either.

Look a bit weighty to me. My hi-fi dealer has suggested (I indicated that this was not even my secondary system, but tertiary) the Tivoli Audio Model 2, which is actually a stereo radio, genuine stereo as it has a second speaker. Supposed to be good, but I don't really need the radio part.

Also, though active speakers are a possibility, I was specifically thinking of ordinary speakers with that interesting-looking small amplifier.
Daniel Cohen
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