If you don't have the save password box checked you will get 2 login prompts one for port 9000 and a second for port 3483.  However I am experiencing tthe same "lack of connection" as you.  If I SSH over the local LAN I don't have any problems.  But if I go out over the internet I have the problem.

On 5/3/05, MMay <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I've gone through all the SSH related files I can find regarding
Softsqueeze, and I just can't seem to get it to work. I have OpenSSH
running on a Windows XP Pro server. I can Putty into the server from
work. I don't know if it's normal or not, but after I answer the login
prompt with my username and then the passwprd prompt with my password,
I get a second password prompt that I answer with the same password and
I'm in. I can move around, type in comamnds, etc. When I try to get in
with Softsqueeze I get the login name and password prompts, then the
second password prompt, then a connection failed. I know Softsqueeze is
communicating with the server because if I enter the correct name and
password I get a connection failed, if I purposely enter an incorrect
password, Softsqueeze continuously loops through the password prompt.
What am I missing here?

- Mike

PS. Not to be vocal only when something's not working... I've had my
Squeezebox for a week now and I can't stop telling people about it.
Everybody that sees it in operation is blown away. It is quite an
amazing piece of hardware/software.

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