NHGuy Wrote: 
> PULEAZE, Look at the list of Rhapsody supprted wireless devices.
> Everybody that likes that service is now unable to use the $300 dollar
> device you sold us. You should also take a look at your marketing
> dept's literature. It specifically states that Realslim is alive and
> able to stream realnetworks/Rhapsody. 
> By the way, I've sent two emails asking about rhapsody support to your
> tech support and I have yet to have the courtesy of a reply. You need
> to get your development act together or there are going to a whole lot
> of slim devices on EBAY while your competition eats your lunch.

I actually only ever received one e-mail from you (Tuesday night this
week), which I replied to on Wednesday morning stating that Rhapsody is
unfortunately not supported.

Could the message perhaps have been filtered in to your spam folder?

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