Danny Rego wrote:
For one, this whole setup is NOT for the average joe (six-pack, to use
your examples).  But like I've said, everyone has their opinions.
I've not had a problem with "intuitiveness."

Striving to make something average-joe friendly should ALWAYS be the goal, but I understand what you're saying.


A kid with a fresh mind is one thing, but a technology-fearing wife is a whole other ball game.

Here's the dichotomy that you need to understand before calling for change to make average joe happy: Desire to learn. People, whether average or not, will only learn as much as they need to get what they want.

If your target user is someone who doesn't want to learn how to make the system work, you're going to make changes in pursuit of an impossible goal. Those changes will make things harder for the core audience.

Better to take a page from IT Marketing's playbook: Declare pre-emptively that your system is more friendly, easier-to-use, faster, better for the corporate market, whatever. Suppress any evidence to the contrary, trumpet any evidence supporting your claim, and keep at it until it becomes common knowledge. Never mind tautologies, no one with the power to influence common knowledge will notice them.

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
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