Crikey, fast reponse here! 

Thanks for the interesting points folks. 

I don't even know where the original headphones are for the ipod! They
were irrelevant. I'm using little sennheiser ones, they kind of hook
into your ear. They sound pretty good. I used to use a big pair of
sennheisers but your right the ipod couldn't drive them, at all!

But where you really notice is when you plug it into something decent.
Fair point on the fact that your usually jogging or driving, or in my
case cycling a lot. Depends what your driving though :-) An smooth audi
with bose isn't bad :-) 

For cycling though someone's gotta make a pair of headphones that are
aerodynamic, the wind roar is the biggest problem on the bike!

I'm kind of surprised that the good DAC in the SB (2 in my case)
wouldn't be possible to fit into a compact machine, I would expect the
voltage to be pretty low for the chip like. But of course there's a lot
more to it than that by the sounds of things. for the sound of things

I wouldn't worry about the power supply though a battery would be
totally smooth I expect

I didn't realise there was much of a difference between line outs and
headphone outputs but it sounds pretty unlikely that anyone would
bother to engineer a proper line out supply, unless it was some kind of
professional device I guess. Which would probably imply a price as 
hefty as it's weight.

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