> Now that the BBC is changing away from Real Audio is there any chance
> that BBC radio will become core code?
That is for Logitech but I think legal issues - however playing
RealAudio streams through an SB was not strictly legal when mplayer
used RealNetworks libraries (each user may have violated a RealNetworks

Similarly BBC is moving to secure MP3 and AAC+ - both of which have
licensing issues (e.g. may require support in the SB)  

In terms of users about 330 user have downloaded the recent iPlayer
Addon and 30 user the 6.5 addon.  I don't know if a 360 users is large
enough user base for Logitech to adopt the BBC support.    

> A secondary question is why oh why don't the BBC provide a sensible
> channel indexing system for players like the SlimDevices, Roku, Sonos
> etc..? 
I don't understand - the menu are more or less as the BBC have laid
them out. So this is a BBC issue.
> I am constantly annoyed with the way that the AlienBBC menus make no
> sense and then keep breaking (as they have now with the new iPlayer
> menus) every time the BBC makes a (far too frequent) change. It'd
> appear be a very simple thing for the BBC to provide a logically
> organised XML feed too (and I pay my taxes etc etc etc)
The BBC do provide an XML interface and an AlienBBC Addon has been
posted in the same iPlayer thread which uses the XML interface. 
Unfortately the XML interface is not as complete as the "screen
scraper".  The current interim XML interface was developed quickly (I
think mainly for Receiva) - a more complete XML interface is promised. 
Currently the XML addon is making use of information posted on the
internet (as BBC have not published the spec on their website) and so
is not an "official" user of the interface.

AlienBBC will move to use the full XML interface  - in the mean time
both "screeen scraper" and XML are available.

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