I've been told by someone who works at the BBC (in "new media") that
it's a consquences of them being early adopters. When they started up
their streaming program, Real was the only format that was widely
accessible on all kinds of platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux etc) and Real
agreed to let the BBC use their format free of charge without any
licensing fees.  This ticked all the boxes in the charter about
open/accessible/value for money with the licence fee etc.

Over time it became apparent that other formats were going to need to
be supported (such as WMA etc), but each format addition required
approval against the requirements of the charter, and this got
increasingly difficult because of the restrictions on the licence fee
increases and because of the increasing licencing demands that were
being made by the format providers.  So you end up with the current
hotchpotch of streams and formats.  

I guess this was a big part of the decision to get iPlayer up and
running and to move stuff across to that single platform.


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"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'
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