Quoting Yannzola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I figured this was some sort of bug, but hadn't gotten around to
> bitching about it yet.
> Could someone please explain this to me? Regardless of how long I press
> the FFwd/RW buttons while a (natively decoded) FLAC  is playing, it
> always jumps to the next track. "Standard" behaviour is for a short tap
> to track across titles, and a prolonged hold to track inside the song...
> with play resuming once the button is lifted. In addition, some kind of
> progress bar + time stamp would come in handy.
> Am I wrong? Does this feature indeed already exist? If so... uh... how
> do I get it to work?

pressing FWD or REW skips tracks.
press-and-hold goes into scan mode, 2X 4X 8X etc.
play, pause, or stop get you out of scanning mode.
pressing the FWD/REW for teh opposite direction of the curent scanning also
breaks out of scanning mode.

The above functions should be working with FLAC files for the SB2, and mp3/wav
for any Squeezebox

There is no feature to hold scan until release.

If you have your now playing display set to show the time index or progress bar,
then that also updates according to the scan speed.

if you want to navigate using a bar to a specific time index, then there is the
Song Scanner Plugin.


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