stephentw;344198 Wrote: 
> Hi all, 
> I'm new here and hoping you can help me out with some questions before
> I potentially buy an SB Classic :)
> I will only be using it to play my flac copies of my cd collection so
> it is imperative that it plays the files without gaps as they would if
> I played a CD as much of my music has songs that run into each other
> and a gap would ruin that completely. I know this is possible on the
> Duet, is the same true of the classic? I presume/hope so! Also how
> seamless is it? I'm hoping its identical to a CD. 

Yes, it's perfectly gapless.

> I want to hardwire the SB Classic and have a barebones PC running
> squeezecenter on XP, think I read that it's done with a crossover
> cable, which is fine. But correct me if I'm wrong or if theres another
> way.

Yeah, you'll need a crossover cable and manually-assigned IPs if you
want to wire that way without a switch.

> Can I disable the wireless broadcasting on the SB Classic or somehow
> stop things connecting to it? I won't be using it in that way as like I
> said I don't have wireless and will be hardwire connecting the SB. 

Wireless is automatically disabled if you use ethernet.

> Reasoning is that from what I read in the manual it acts as a wireless
> bridge (meaning from what I gather I could make devices wireless by
> plugging them into it and setting them up on it) so in theory anyone
> with a laptop could connect to my SB and thus connect to my computer,
> or is that not the case?

You have it backwards.  If you enable bridging, the device connected
via ethernet can bridge through the wireless connection.  You won't be
using this.

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