Hi All,

I recently undertook a trial of ripping and playing FLAC files, I
noticed that the majority of time the playback was choppy and distorted
like a lot of posts on the forums have referred to, this was also
experienced on the small number of apple lossless and M4A files that
are transcoded to other file formats.

I've looked at those posts and the wiki and are 99% sure this is down
to wireless interference, the wireless signal is fine and the
Squeezebox is close to the router.

However whenever a neighbours wireless is transmitting both my
squeezebox, as described above, and internet streaming is impacted,
I've also done squeezebox network tests which show patchy performance
above 256kbps. I've monitored this recently and when the other router
isn't transmitting then the FLAC playback works well and as expected.

I've scanned and changed my channel to 11 away from the other router
but I am still getting the same problems, does anyone know of anything
else I can try to solve this problem ?

I'm aware a wired connection will resolve and longer term will be
moving to this (through a NAS) however I also want to add a Boom which
will be wireless, so am keen to find out any other ways to resolve.

I also know of the Ethernet Powerline adaptors but could do without the
extra cost at this stage.

Any help appreciated, if details on router etc. needed then can


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