I do not own a squeezebox yet, but in the near future I will...
Some thoughts:
I do like the new remote with graphic display, but I dislike remotes in
general. There are always issues with battery life and robustness. And
in this case (Squeezebox 3 or Duet) you loose control when the remote
My perfect Squeezebox will be a combined Boom and Duet, a fixed "cube
like" apparatus without speakers, displaying the cover art on the built
in display and operated by some buttons and a big jog dial. Just for
convenience a squeezebox 3 remote is added, but not needed. And because
the "cube" has some space inside, the powersupply is a built in
multivoltage (110-240 V 50-60 Hz) instead of a clumsy adapter. A real
power on/off button adds to the green aspect of this one!

Will I ever see this one?

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