pfarrell;351320 Wrote: 
> > I was very disappointed that the Transporter was produced with all
> that
> > useless and fragile extraneous paraphernalia... knobs, buttons,...
> why?
> Different market. Its an audiophile product. A lot of those guys don't
> accept that remotes are good.

What a load of crap.  If anything, a cynic might say the extra
paraphernalia was added to increase the perceived value and justify the
price point.

The idea of having a front panel was good.  It's not necessary, but it
can be handy.  I can certainly see them on future Squeezeboxes besides
the Boom.  Execution is another matter...  I think it missed on the
Transporter, is much better on the Boom, and can be improved further.


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