discursively;354196 Wrote: 
> I upgraded to 7.2.1 and with it my SB3's firmware today.  I got this
> message from the Office of IT:
> Dear Simon,
> A device attached to the campus network is responding incorrectly to IP
> broadcast traffic.
> The traffic is from hardware address: 0:4:20:12:48:7d which is
> registered as the wireless address of the device.  [viz., my SB3]
> When this device receives an IP broadcast packet from the campus and it
> decides that it is not interested in the packet (or that something is
> in
> fact wrong with the packet), the device responds by sending an ICMP
> error message.
> This is not correct behavior; no device should ever send an ICMP error
> message in response to broadcast or multicast traffic. That's because
> when many devices behave in this erroneous fashion, it creates very
> large traffic spikes on the network, degrading network service for
> everyone. On large networks, such as many that compose the campus
> network, this is a real danger.(In certain situations, such behavior
> can even result in self-sustaining broadcast storms that keep the
> network unusable.)
> This sort of behavior can be caused by a bug in the device's IP stack,
> requiring a bug fix from the vendor of the device. (In some unusual
> situations, it may also be possible for a device to exhibit this
> behavior as a result of incorrect configuration, but this is
> uncommon.)
> Because this erroneous traffic degrades network service, OIT has
> blocked it from using the campus wireless service.
> If you have any questions, please call the Help Desk or visit the
> Solutions Center. The Help Desk is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
> The Solutions Center is open to walk-ins from 9am to 3pm, Monday
> through Friday.
> Regards,
> OIT Help Desk
> ~~~
> It seems unlikely that these events (the upgrade and subsequent ICMP
> errors) are unrelated; so: there is likely a bug in the latest
> firmware.
> I thought I should post this here so as someone can investigate it
> further.
> Cheers,
> Simon

If you think that this is a real bug, you should create a bug report at
http://bugs.slimdevices.com/.  Otherwise, you may or may not get the
attention of the technical staff at Logitech regarding this issue.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2.1, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave
maggior's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9080
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=54045

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