I am drawn to the Squeezebox solution to computer audio for a number of
reasons, open source and open standards being among them.

As I understand it the only software that is not "free" is that
associated with the receiving hardware. That seems a reasonable
business model. Slim/Logitech have to have some income from the project
or there would be no hardware.

I do wonder if Loigitech will licence this hardware/software solution
so it may be incorporated into other manufactures solutions.

It would be nice to have an open standard for audio streaming - that
would facilitate development and enable users to attach whatever
hardware took their fancy to the same network.

At the moment Apple, Sonos and Logitech and Linn have different
standards, and as others jump into the market it will get even more

Have I understood the issues correctly?



Beresford DAC - Quad 405-2 refurbished by 405man - Quart 980s German
Tower Loudspeakers.

FLAC through Foobar, XP and ASIO
Virgin Cable Box - no FM reception for Quad tuner!
Squeezebox Classic when I can get one!
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