tamanaco;355346 Wrote: 
> I want to hold a beer (an IPA preferably) on one hand and the remote on
> the other and without looking at the remote lower/raise the volume or
> skip to the next song.

I know it risks going off topic, but I couldn't let the IPA thing go
without commenting.  Nothing better than a good IPA.

I'll throw my two cents in to say that an official (or native) iPod
Touch app would be enough to get me to buy an iPod and give it a try. 
(I own the Duet bundle.)  Obviously selling more iPods is not in
Logitech's interest, but when I use a Touch to control the SBR, it'll
be that much easier to rope friends & family into the cool world of
Squeezebox.  It'd be a huge selling point for the platform, methinks.

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