With Cisco's money, they can hire any interior architect they want.

I'm extremely impressed by the launch and agree with JJZolx on how
complete the solution is.  SD and Sonos have been at it for some time
and this is basically 1.0 for Cisco.  I've always thought they have a
good chance at making waves due to their presence in the home with
Linksys, complete understanding of the power of the network, and the
fact that they generally do not try to lock in the customer with
proprietary technology like Sony, MS and Apple try to do.

Whoever thought Cisco doesn't get it, really doesn't understand Cisco. 
They have been putting audio and video on IP for years and have been
preaching network based applications forever.  The only real question
is their ability to deliver a compelling and user friendly consumer
level product.  And frankly, they are right - to the average person,
their music is locked up in iTunes/iPod and/or striped across multiple
computers in the home - just like Cisco suggested.  Those with properly
tagged NAS based libraries are definitely in the minority - just not on
this forum.

That's where it really gets interesting though...Linksys products were
basically contract designs and this product line appears to be one of
the first types of products coming out with real Cisco involvement in
the engineering of the actual product.  If you look through the web
site, they go to great lengths to establish a "cool" factor and the
fact that Cisco actively participated in creating these products.

I like my SD products for now and they are probably safe as long as TP
dominates the quality/price category, but for lower-end audio, I'm
thinking the space is getting exciting.  SqueezeCenter is the real gem
in SD's possession for me, but it's still somewhat complex for the
average person.  If Cisco reduces the complexity, gives you better CD
and iPod access and is a one-stop-shop, then it's very compelling.

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