ralphy;395925 Wrote: 
> I've sent you a PM regarding the binary.

I sent you the binary via email.

> This is not expected behaviour.  Unfortunately, I don't see the pause
> problem.  I use the 0.8-25 win32 binary all day, every day at work and
> pause it constantly.  The track starts exactly where I paused it.  I do
> it so often that I've mapped the keyboard audio keys to run a cli script
> to pause/unpause squeezeslave from my windows manager on Solaris.
> This could be related to the version of SC I'm still running 7.2.2 -
> r24134 at work, actually at home too.  What version of SC are you
> running?  I'll install that release on my test system to see if I can
> replicate the problem.
> Would you download a v0.7.5.1 binary from sourceforge and see if pause
> works with that release.  If it does, then please try 0.8-12 and report
> back on your findings.  This will help me narrow down what change may be
> causing the pause problem.

The pause problem seems to be different from what I thought I was
seeing. The player does start playing correctly at the paused point. It
is squeezecenter which does not correctly start the time slider at the
pause point. I am running SC Version: 7.3.2 - 24695. I have confirmed
this behaviour with my older squeezeslave binary on linux as
well as the v0.8-25 win32 binary from sourceforge.

> I too still have the stuttering problem using alsa.  I've gone back to
> using oss emulation with alsa as it's rock solid.  Unfortunately, you
> loose the ability to share the audio device that way.  Thankfully, this
> hasn't been an issue for me.

The stutter problem is not too bad, as I said consistently on a couple
of tracks, but nothing on most of my music. Since my squeezeslave sits
on a MythTV box, it needs to share sound and the alsa version does seem
to work better with my spdif output than aoss which I was using earlier.
I read KeyzerSuze's post, but not knowing anything about PortAudio, I am
not sure what to make of it. If the pause problem appears more
frequently as I listen to this setup, I will see if I want to delve
into it some more.

Thanks for posting the cli script, that could be useful as

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