seanadams wrote:
> peter;408414 Wrote: 
>> You don't see many companies shipping B-devices these days, do you?
> Sigh... No, because B is bad and B is dead. There is no reason to use
> B.

When I bought my SB1 it was still very much alive.
Now my SB1 is still working fine but I can't use it on my G network :(
I sure wish I'd bought a G SB1 then, I could still use it ;)

An N-SB would probably last me longer.

> G, on the other hand, is quite alive and well, and has significant
> advantages over N in portable devices. Lower power consumption, fewer
> antennas, and lower cost due to smaller silicon area and fewer
> components.
> Furthermore, there is no benefit to higher throughput, as far as a
> music streamer is concerned - 20Mbps actual throughput is no better
> than 10Mbps when you're streaming at a maximum of 0.75Mbps. And there
> is not much to be gained in terms of range, beyond what is gained by
> having an N AP.
> The iPhone 3g does not have 802.11n. Was it just beyond the
> capabilities of a $100B company, or could there be another reason?

It's a tiny low power device. N-support would probably cost them dearly 
(you don't seem to be able to run an N router over Poe either).
Apple does sell Airports and Airport Express with N-support. Why? Simply 
because people want them. And, as I believe they say in your country: 
The customer is always right ;)


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