chill;408809 Wrote: 
> Hi Aubuti
> Yes - that's just it - there IS something different.  My SB2 is built
> into my preamp box, and when I flick the power switch on the preamp,
> the power to the SB2 is removed.
> So I guess what I need to find out is, how do I get the SC host to go
> to sleep while I have a slim device in its more conventional 'sleeping'
> off state.
> You seem to have achieved this, but in my setup the SC host just wakes
> up immediately unless I remove the power to all the slim devices.
Ahh yes. Physically removing the power from the SB2 is a completely
different thing, because that gets you a true power off state. I assume
that the obvious solution (eg, switching the Boom off via a power strip
or just pulling the plug) isn't what you're looking for, and that's

I use, and recommend, the SrvrPowerControl plugin. You'll find it in
the 3rd Party Plugin forum. It's very flexible and powerful, and
therefore can get a little complex. I have mine set to suspend my
server to RAM (S3) if none of my players has been playing for 30
minutes, and even have it switch some of the players automatically to
SqueezeNetwork so that they still display the clock. But you can
configure it to your liking.

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