using a squeezebox controller would be an option but I wonder if the
display is big enough. I imagine a person who is perhaps a bit aged and
has trouble reading the display without his glases.
Haven't any clue about the real world user experience with the
controller (I am fully blind myself) but a 40 inch lcd is a different
story isn't it?
The tp costs about 2k bugs and the ripnas will go for an other 1k. So
money isn't an object as long as he's got the album art and a really
blowing user experience.
btw. How do you guys get album art? There is a feature in SC7.3?
Ripnas is claimed to do that as well but I read that it doesn't always
get the covers right.
Any hints on getting album art would be apreciated as well.
PS.: Will take a look a ipeng. But it is an iphone's app isn't it? So
the display isn't any bigger?

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