Peter Stockwell;412354 Wrote: 
> I liked using iTunes with airport express, but my airport express died. 
> I bought an SB classic as the replacement. 
> My tunes are on a Drobo attached by firewire to a mac mini. I have the
> iTunesUpdate plug in and iPeng. This gets me very close to the
> mac/itunes/ipod touch experience I had before. I like the "direct"
> remote control for the Squeezebox.
> What I don't like with Squeezecenter is the web interface, comparred
> with iTunes I find it clunky. I have an iTunes account so most artwork
> is found automatically (Funnily, it only displays on the first song in
> Squeezecenter), iTunes keeps the music file organised. I can find
> artists and the albums easily outside iTunes if I want. If an album
> doesn't have artwork I can use amazon, for example, for a cover photo
> and then easily add it to iTunes via iPhoto. For a mac user, all of
> this is very easy to use.
> I'm considering going back to the airport express, because of the
> overall simplicity and I cannot hear any major difference in sound
> quality, that's sisng the same DAC before my hifi system.
> Peter

i agree.  i think i will leave my SB3 dedicated to Pandora and internet


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