Pippin, Chris,

Having read your comments, I can see this is rather more involved than
I had appreciated.  I looked at Airremote and Iredtouch and they are
both pretty much what I was after - iPod multiple remotes - but both
involve buying relatively expensive hardware that sits on the network
and drives the IR leds to control the AV equipment.  I already have
that functionality in the squeeze products and they are already sitting
next to the devices I wish to control. So I had hoped that it would be a
'relatively' simple task to use the squeeze IRBlaster capability under
the control of iPeng to drive the AV equipment. 
Pippin, if you have a couple of minutes to have a look at the websites
for the two products mentioned, they do a good job of describing the
functionality I am looking for.

This does raise an interesting question for Logitech and other box
manufacturers who make their money by giving software away and charging
for the box. While some may disagree, the Squeeze Controller and
Logitech Harmony handheld remotes are not is the same league as the
iPod touch, either in form factor or usability. Harmony in the UK is
twice the price of an iPod touch, and is not without its issues. 
Whether Apple realised it at the time or not, they have produced a
multi purpose handheld controller that happens also to be an iPod. This
could be a game changer for Logitech and similar.

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