bpa;414023 Wrote: 
> Your settings have disabled WMA->Flac which means disabling native WMA 
> will result in WMA->MP3.
> "Conecting" followed by nothing usually means either a timeout or a
> problem in the mplayer/lame pipeline.
> "Listen Again" streams start within 1-2 sec of making the request. 
> With mplayer transcoding, Live streams could take about 6-10 secs to
> start, more if there are choices for URLs.  If your network station
> timeout is set to less than 10 then this couildbe one issue. 
> To debug this situation use Settings/Advanced/Logging and set 
> player.source to INFO

Sorry,should have clarified - I did have WMA -> FLAC enabled to test
transcoding to FLAC on the SB3, but then disabled it (I like generally
to have things working natively or transcoding to MP3 for remote

Thanks for the advice on logging, I'll see what that shows.
Also I'll check the timeout and see if that makes a difference (I won't
be able to look into this till later, as I'm at work).

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