Old Mac Minis are  fine for SC, although I admit that the response to  
iPeng is slow on mine. I run it on an early-ish one one not much  
faster than your current G3 (the 800MHz version, to be precise),  
under OSX 10.4.11 and  it can take 10 or 15 seconds for sound to  
reach the speakers after poking "play". Sometimes it feels as though  
the music flows along the cables like cool lava... Otherwise there's  
only a problem if the Mini is running something else that hogs  
processor/storage, which wouldn't arise in your case, or else my  
neighbour uses the microwave. No stuttering otherwise, using a  
bridged ethernet/Airport Extreme (g) connection.

Anyway, one of the later, faster PPC versions seems much easier than  
re-jigging your whole set-up.....although even the cheaper of the new  
Minis would probably work blast the bits out like a pyroclastic  


On 22 Apr 2009, at 16:58, JMG wrote:

> pippin;417386 Wrote:
>> How about a Mac Mini?
>> Nettop?
> A Mac Mini would be fine, perhaps used. I didn't know about Nettop
> computers. Will check that. I guess the faster, the better...
> -- 
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